You wouldn't skip out on your doctor's appointment just because you didn't feel like going. You wouldn't skip out on your daughter's softball practice just because you didn't feel like going. So why would you skip out on your workout? Chances are, it's because you haven't made an appointment with yourself. An appointment creates significance around the event. It shows that you respect whatever it is that needs to be done. If you don't respect your workout, your much more likely to toss it aside when things get stressful.
But if you schedule your workouts on an actual calendar, it makes them non-negotiable. It prevents you from scheduling anything else during that time because it's a priority.
Here at Progressive Athletics, we work with plenty of moms in the Columbia area who are looking to lose weight, and the ones who do all have this one thing in common. They make their health a priority and they schedule their workouts. It's a part of their daily routine because they understand and have experienced the benefits of investing in their health. You can too. Just make the appointment with yourself.
There's no way around it. It's extremely difficult to make fitness a priority if your significant other doesn't care about it at all. As humans we only have so much willpower, so if you are eating healthy all week while your spouse is ordering fast food... eventually the smell of those fries is going to win.
Sit down with them and explain what your goals are, why they are important to you, and most importantly... how they will help your family unit as a whole. I guarantee if you have this conversation, they will support you.
If you can get your spouse to support you that's amazing. What's even more amazing is getting your spouse to JOIN you on your journey. I've seen so many couples bond over fitness. It gives you both an uninterrupted hour together to accomplish something challenging. Think of it as a mini date night. But instead of eating fatty foods and ordering sugary drinks, you guys are helping each other live longer. It's a beautiful thing that will also help you both hold each other accountable outside of the gym making it much easier to reach your fitness goals.
Your success in fitness will not be linear. There will be weeks where you only make 1 workout. There will be days where your nutrition goes out the window. But it's important to remember that no matter how hectic life gets if you give up altogether... you will never accomplish your weight loss goal.
This tip is so significant, it could actually be the only one on this list. As long as you keep going you will get there. It's okay to get frustrated when the scale doesn't move. It's okay to feel guilty when you grab fast food because you don't have time to cook something. What's not okay is using those 2 things as excuses to stop trying. Never ever ever ever EVER give up.
I've had the pleasure of training hundreds of people through their weight loss journey. All of their fitness journeys looked different. But the one similarity between all of them was that they never gave up. And now they are reaping the rewards of looking how they want to look and feeling how they want to feel. All because they refused to give up.
So when you embark on your next fitness journey, make sure you schedule the appointment with yourself, get a support system, and understand what your fitness journey will look like. As a busy mom, you need things to be as simple as possible. And if you only follow 3 rules on your fitness journey... make it these 3.
I hope this helps and if you're looking the guidance of a health & fitness professional in the Howard County area, schedule your free Movement Assessment with us here at Progressive Athletics.
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